The Most Thorough Office Cleaning Services in FL

Our Priority Is Your Total Satisfaction!

-When you hire our company Savassi Cleaning Services to take care of your facility, you can rest assure that the job will get done as per your request each and every time.

-The main reason is simply because we the owners (Leo & Sheila Candido ) will always be on site to supervise and many times do the cleaning ourselves.

-Every month we receive letters of appreciation from office managers who trust us to keep their offices in pristine, ship-shape condition all the time.
-Because we are a family owned and operated cleaning company, we can tailor our cleaning services in a very customized fashion that is guaranteed to satisfy and please your office cleaning services needs.


Commercial Cleaning Services Florida

Getting your office and business spaces clean is achieved with the help of  Savassi Cleaning's team. Our employees are highly trained and skilled workers who utilize our environmentally friendly cleaning methods and materials. Whether you are a manufacturing facility, a commercial office, or any other establishment with hundreds of square feet of space that needs to be cleaned, we have the right people, equipment, and materials to give you the sterile and clean environment you want and need.  

Choose your Category

Office and Commercial Buildings


We have 16 years of experience in the cleaning industry including office spaces and commercial buildings for small and large scale companies!

Medical/Dental Offices

We have a commitment to serving our customers, while providing high-quality cleaning and disinfecting products to ensure the removal of any bacteria or grime left behind !

Day Care Centers

Our employees have knowledge of cleaning chemicals and supplies that are safe to use on items handled by children, such as toys and shared spaces where there is skin to skin contact! 

Fitness Centers

Our team is able to handle heavy equipment and machinery and get in hard to reach spots with ease due to our extensive tool supply. We ensure cleanliness even in the dirtiest areas of your space!

“You guys have improved the cleanliness of our office 100+++! Great attention to details and always well done. Extremely professional”  – Juan Caycedo, Design Principal - RLC Architects - Boca Raton
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